Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Organizational Quest #1: Mail and Paperwork Update

Remember... I have organizational challenges in my life!
Well, I haven't been flat out ignoring them... I am making progress... it just takes some time.

Here was my Intro Post and the intro to the first area I'd tackle! Mail and Paperwork

Since then, I have set out and completed what I thought would work for us... a simple, desk top filer and organizer for daily mail that comes in.

So far, so good. It is working!

Here was the desk before
I know... I should (should) be ashamed.

Here is it after...

Much much cleaner and more organized!!! Hallelujah Chorus!

I got a pen holder (because it was cute and matched)
and a mail filer for my husband to deposit the new mail in daily,
it also hold scratch paper for lists and such.

I then got the tan filer on the right to file our items in.

The file has places for:

To deposit
Husband Specific 
Important (like those tickets I lost)

Much better, don't you think???

I will also have posts on my newly organized pantry and clothes systems up soon!

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