Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day... Every Day

I was talking to a friend at church and when I asked how her Mother's Day was she lamented the fact that she had just yelled at her daughter and didn't feel so euphorically "mother's dayish"... something we can all relate too.

It got me thinking how apt that Mother's Day is just like every other day... complete with tantrums, discipline, bad attitudes (even our own) spilled milk and poopy diapers. Today my husband wanted to magically clean up the whole house with the help of happy little helpers... currently my daughter is pouting because she doesn't want to help.

Mother's Day keeps us humble, realistic and expectant... just what a mother ought to be on the day in her honor.

More than that we (once we are mothers ourselves) see how much our mothers did on our behalf. They worked every bit as hard as we do, they had bad days and over came them, and now get to have the joy of being grandmothers. I am so so thankful for a mom who gave me very little to have learn in life... she modeled all the important things with love for me! She gives me hope and a sense of direction.

But, I think in all of that one thing has been on my mind all day... there are millions of little ones that have no mommy today. No one to make handprint poems for, to "ruin" a day with a tantrum and still get a snuggle at the end of the day, and will go to bed thinking a nanny is the closest thing they have to a mother. Who will be those little one's mommy? I wonder if we are intended to be those little one's moms and don't even know it... and they wait while we are worrying about keeping our house clean. Psalm 68:6 says "God is father to the fatherless...God sets the lonely in families..." I think Mother's Day is for them too.

Mothers are moms all day, every day, for the rest of their lives... and you don't dare think it isn't worth it because that is a falsehood... trying to steal your joy!


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