Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mother and Children

A sweet friend is doing a really fun photo shoot of our kids! Tomorrow!
I am a tad bit excited! 
My house looks like the "prop cabin" (for those CBXers) or like a prop house.

But, I agreed to this on one condition (reality, I would have jumped at it with out the conditions)... 
I get my "mother and children" portrait I have long wanted.

Think like this...

Yes, this looks like my life...

Um, not so much like my life... Haha. 
This one is almost comical it is so sweet and perfect!
Can't you hear that little golden haired infant saying saying, "Oh, mummy, we adore thee!"

Very much like my life.
A bit too real, gritty and golden.
Sweetness is in all aspects.
I think this is my favorite.

Wonder what my "real life" mother and children portrait will look most like?
What does your's look like? 
Nursing baby, knitting, reading?

I love how all of them show one thing... LIFE.
Busyness. Messy hair. Interaction. Love.

1 comment:

Julianna said...

Today it is never ending dishes.