Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thea Bea Shmea

Thea is growing and changing on a daily basis!
It is a joy to see!
She is 15 months!!! I can't believe it!
She' been home almost 6 months! I can't believe that either!

Here is her current word rapporteur:
YES. MOM!... I am not even joking, I have a 15 month old that says "yes mom" when I tell her something.
Milll = milk
Dow = down
Gi-gi = her toy giraffe
Pee-boo... bet you can guess that one
Moe = more
Core = Cora
Hah = hair, as she pets her sweet curls. :-)
Pee-ooo = Pyew... or PU... however you'd spell that???

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