Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Lesson on Love and Sticking Up for Others

Recently Addie and I have been reading a story at night called The Hundred Dresses, by Eleanor Estes

The Hundred Dresses is a thoughtful story about being brave enough to stick up for others. The main character Maddie is best friends with the "popular" girl Peggy. Peggy takes a liking to daily, politely teasing the poor Polish girl in there class, Wanda. Wanda wears the same faded blue dress day after day, but insists that she has "a hundred dresses all lined up in a row" in her closet at home. Even though Maddie doesn't say a word she knows that it is wrong to allow Peggy to repeatedly ask and tease Wanda about her "hundred dresses". When Wanda wins the art contest for her 100 pieces of art, each of a different dress both girls are humbled, but then shamed when they realize Wanda has had to leave the school due to the teasing and racism her Polish family deals with in the suburban community.

It is a though provoking tale about how we can be part of others misery simply by not saying a word.

We've enjoyed it and had many good conversations about why girls tease and how teasing hurts hearts and tarnishes the image of God in others. It is an important read for all girls!


Mountain Family said...

We have done that book as well and we loved it too. Very good lessons in it, and very good discussions come out of it.

Julianna said...

I cried when we read that book. Great book!