Monday, May 19, 2014

The Birthday Girl


Happiest birthday sweet girl!
You are NINE!

You had your birthday on our grand family vacation, and I didn't get a moment to write your annual birthday letter!

It just occurred to me... you are half grown.
That is both wonderful and terrifying to this mama, because it seems like you just arrived here, not that long ago!

You know it, you are my right hand girl. You are the first one to greet me every - single - morning... with out fail.
You are passionate and dramatic... but also very matter of fact.
You are a great sister.
You are SO excited to be a big sister again!!!
I love how you think and the things that makes you tick.
I enjoy seeing your learn.
You care about others and desire to serve.
I know you'll be my best friend some day.
You are fun.
You think in grand ways.
You make things special.

I can't wait to see what this year brings you!

Love Always,

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