Monday, June 10, 2013

First Day!

For 8 years the 1st day of camp has come and gone.
8 years, 8 years ago seemed very substantial when applied to others above me.
Today it seems very small when applied to me and Tim.
Technically we've had 11 first days of "camp", 3 were at Confrontation Point.

The first days is good.
It is anticipation.
It is nerves.
It is raw and filled with glitter that makes you unsure if you are really living this life.
After 8 years it is less nerves and more glitter. Less raw and more blurred at the edges.

But it is good because you realize this whole summer has nothing to do with you and all to do with Him.
It is good because you know that when it all comes down to it you have really nothing to offer but what you have in Jesus.

You are surrendered.

Last night my friend shared what it takes to be a good counselor.

He said, "God gives you 5 children. Know that this was not a mistake... they are placed in your care for  this time and this place by God's sovereign plan to bring Himself glory. If you laugh, they will laugh... in all circumstances. If you cry, they will cry... in all circumstances. If you worship, they will worship... in all circumstances."

This was said to the counselors, but God intended it for me!

God has a purpose and plan for this summer... it is my hope to participate in that plan.

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