Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thea Is Three-ah!

I have been waiting for this day for 2 1/2 years... 
The day I'd get to have a THREE year old again!!!

3 year olds!

~Dear Thea~
Tonight you told us you want to go to the park, go eat sushi, have a pink candy cake and dress like a princess for your birthday... You want your blanky to come to your party. You are turning 3 and you are starting to share that amazing little person that you are! I couldn't be happier!

You've started making this face when things aren't right that cracks me up.
You can make your dolls and animals talk in a squeaky voice.
You love all things ballet and dancing.
You still walk on tip toes.
You suck your thumb.
You try to rule the roost.
You screech.
You get into all manner of things.
You love Minnie Mouse.
You know that brown skinned people look like you.
You also think all princesses look like you.
You close your eyes to pray and we all look at you because you look so cute.
You act peeved and nutty when you are the only child with mom and dad.
You huff and puff.
You have a soft heart for small livestock like lambs and goats.

Thea Agnes you are a gift. We all can't get enough of you!  We are forever blessed to be near you. I am thankful that year THREE is now. I am thankful for all that makes you you. Katsiime means "we give thanks" and we do!


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