Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Trip to the Store Where I Think About Life

Yesterday I left the house at my husbands insistence after a horrible day of school and mothering to get some "me time" (don't really even like that phrase but not sure what else to use).

What did I do? Well, of course, get a coffee and go grocery shopping (alone). Who wouldn't do that?

I shopped for 2 gallons of milk that will last of maybe 2 days, 18 eggs, 3 huge boxes of cereal, enough beans and rice to illicit comments from on lookers (not joking). I had to get 5 wash cloths and towels in individual colors for 5 individual people.

On lookers take in my bulging cart like I had 15 kids swinging off of it!
I strong arm the beast up to the front of the store wondering if those gym classes really are a need.

I get in one of 5 lines open with at least 5 people in each line (because this is W@lmart we are talking about) behind 2 older ladies in line. They each had about 3 things in their baskets and looked down their nose at my basket that was dangerously full, overflowing.

Waiting, waiting, all I could think was, "I wonder if they are lonely? Do their kids call them? Do they have relationships with them? Do they miss other times?"
I think, "Yeah, still wouldn't trade anything for peace and quiet and not-so-full hands."

One lady was getting 2 wine glasses, 2 nice plates, 2 candles and some fake flowers... it made me laugh. Just two. In my mind she was planning a romantic dinner for her and her husband and I vowed one day when my hands aren't so (dangerously) full, I'd do the same thing... just by 2 plates and glasses... not 7.

Overflowing. Beauty. Hardship. All in one.

1 comment:

Julianna said...

Your overflowing life is beautiful and a blessing to those who see it.