Thursday, December 23, 2010

Blessings Today

- My sweet children gave me an early Christmas gift... they slept in until 8:15! So sweet.
- My husband's cleanly shaved face.
- A drizzly wet day and the sound of rain on our tin roof.
- Coffee with amaretto creamer
- Dreams
- The sparkle of lights on our Christmas tree.
- Hearing from friends through Christmas cards.
- Remembering all that God has done to draw me closer to Him this year... one of the sweetest things ever!
- Writing thoughts for posterity
- A 2 year old that wants to be potty trained!
- A journal from my grandma's house that had never been written in.
- Peace and Presence
- Uganda
- Finding my purple hoody fleece
- Flip-flops
- Candle light on my Advent wreath

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